import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
* In this applet, the user can type in two real numbers. The
* user can click on buttons labeled +, - , *, and / to perform
* basic arithmetic operations on the numbers. When the user
* clicks on a button the answer is displayed. The applet
* should be about 300 by 160 pixels.
* Note that this class also contains a main() routine, so that
* it can be run as a stand-alone application. When it is run
* in this way, it opens a window that shows that same panel that
* is used in the applet version.
public class SimpleCalc extends JApplet {
* This main() routine makes it possible to run the SimpleCalc1 class
* as a stand-alone application. This routine just opens a window that
* uses an object of type CalcPanel as its content pane, where CalcPanel
* is the nested class defined below.
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame window = new JFrame("Simple Calculator");
CalcPanel content = new CalcPanel();
window.pack(); // Sizes window to preferred size of contents.
window.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
* The init() method for the applet just sets the content pane
* of the applet to be an object of type CalcPanel, where CalcPanel
* is the nested class defined below.
public void init() {
setContentPane( new CalcPanel() );
public static class CalcPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
private JTextField xInput, yInput; // Input boxes for the numbers.
private JLabel answer; // JLabel for displaying the answer, or an
// error message if appropriate.
public CalcPanel() {
/* Assign a background color to the panel and its
content panel. This color will show through in the gaps
between components. */
/* Add an empty border around the panel, which will also
* appear in the gray background color. */
setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5) );
/* Create the input boxes, and make sure that the background
color is white. (They are likely to be white by default.) */
xInput = new JTextField("0", 10);
yInput = new JTextField("0", 10);
/* Create panels to hold the input boxes and labels "x =" and
"y = ". These panels use the default FlowLayout layout manager. */
JPanel xPanel = new JPanel();
xPanel.add( new JLabel(" x = "));
JPanel yPanel = new JPanel();
yPanel.add( new JLabel(" y = "));
/* Create a panel to hold the four buttons for the four
operations. A GridLayout is used so that the buttons
will all have the same size and will fill the panel.
The main panel servers as ActionListener for the buttons. */
JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,4));
JButton plus = new JButton("+");
JButton minus = new JButton("-");
JButton times = new JButton("*");
JButton divide = new JButton("/");
/* Create the label for displaying the answer in red
on a white background. The label is set to be
"opaque" to make sure that the white background
is painted. */
answer = new JLabel("x + y = 0", JLabel.CENTER);
/* Set up the layout for the main panel, using a GridLayout,
and add all the components that have been created. */
setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1,3,3));
/* Try to give the input focus to xInput, which is the natural
place for the user to start. */
} // end constructor
* When the user clicks a button, get the numbers from the input boxes
* and perform the operation indicated by the button. Put the result in
* the answer label. If an error occurs, an error message is put in the label.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
double x, y; // The numbers from the input boxes.
/* Get a number from the xInput JTextField. Use
xInput.getText() to get its contents as a String.
Convert this String to a double. The try...catch
statement will check for errors in the String. If
the string is not a legal number, the error message
"Illegal data for x." is put into the answer and
the actionPerformed() method ends. */
try {
String xStr = xInput.getText();
x = Double.parseDouble(xStr);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// The string xStr is not a legal number.
answer.setText("Illegal data for x.");
/* Get a number from yInput in the same way. */
try {
String yStr = yInput.getText();
y = Double.parseDouble(yStr);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
answer.setText("Illegal data for y.");
/* Perform the operation based on the action command
from the button. Note that division by zero produces
an error message. */
String op = evt.getActionCommand();
if (op.equals("+"))
answer.setText( "x + y = " + (x+y) );
else if (op.equals("-"))
answer.setText( "x - y = " + (x-y) );
else if (op.equals("*"))
answer.setText( "x * y = " + (x*y) );
else if (op.equals("/")) {
if (y == 0)
answer.setText("Can't divide by zero!");
answer.setText( "x / y = " + (x/y) );
} // end actionPerformed()
} // end nested class CalcPanel
} // end class SimpleCalculator
HTML code to load Applet.
Make Sure that JAVA configured Properly.
<applet code=SimpleCalc.class width=300 height=200>
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
* In this applet, the user can type in two real numbers. The
* user can click on buttons labeled +, - , *, and / to perform
* basic arithmetic operations on the numbers. When the user
* clicks on a button the answer is displayed. The applet
* should be about 300 by 160 pixels.
* Note that this class also contains a main() routine, so that
* it can be run as a stand-alone application. When it is run
* in this way, it opens a window that shows that same panel that
* is used in the applet version.
public class SimpleCalc extends JApplet {
* This main() routine makes it possible to run the SimpleCalc1 class
* as a stand-alone application. This routine just opens a window that
* uses an object of type CalcPanel as its content pane, where CalcPanel
* is the nested class defined below.
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame window = new JFrame("Simple Calculator");
CalcPanel content = new CalcPanel();
window.pack(); // Sizes window to preferred size of contents.
window.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
* The init() method for the applet just sets the content pane
* of the applet to be an object of type CalcPanel, where CalcPanel
* is the nested class defined below.
public void init() {
setContentPane( new CalcPanel() );
public static class CalcPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
private JTextField xInput, yInput; // Input boxes for the numbers.
private JLabel answer; // JLabel for displaying the answer, or an
// error message if appropriate.
public CalcPanel() {
/* Assign a background color to the panel and its
content panel. This color will show through in the gaps
between components. */
/* Add an empty border around the panel, which will also
* appear in the gray background color. */
setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5) );
/* Create the input boxes, and make sure that the background
color is white. (They are likely to be white by default.) */
xInput = new JTextField("0", 10);
yInput = new JTextField("0", 10);
/* Create panels to hold the input boxes and labels "x =" and
"y = ". These panels use the default FlowLayout layout manager. */
JPanel xPanel = new JPanel();
xPanel.add( new JLabel(" x = "));
JPanel yPanel = new JPanel();
yPanel.add( new JLabel(" y = "));
/* Create a panel to hold the four buttons for the four
operations. A GridLayout is used so that the buttons
will all have the same size and will fill the panel.
The main panel servers as ActionListener for the buttons. */
JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,4));
JButton plus = new JButton("+");
JButton minus = new JButton("-");
JButton times = new JButton("*");
JButton divide = new JButton("/");
/* Create the label for displaying the answer in red
on a white background. The label is set to be
"opaque" to make sure that the white background
is painted. */
answer = new JLabel("x + y = 0", JLabel.CENTER);
/* Set up the layout for the main panel, using a GridLayout,
and add all the components that have been created. */
setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1,3,3));
/* Try to give the input focus to xInput, which is the natural
place for the user to start. */
} // end constructor
* When the user clicks a button, get the numbers from the input boxes
* and perform the operation indicated by the button. Put the result in
* the answer label. If an error occurs, an error message is put in the label.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
double x, y; // The numbers from the input boxes.
/* Get a number from the xInput JTextField. Use
xInput.getText() to get its contents as a String.
Convert this String to a double. The try...catch
statement will check for errors in the String. If
the string is not a legal number, the error message
"Illegal data for x." is put into the answer and
the actionPerformed() method ends. */
try {
String xStr = xInput.getText();
x = Double.parseDouble(xStr);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// The string xStr is not a legal number.
answer.setText("Illegal data for x.");
/* Get a number from yInput in the same way. */
try {
String yStr = yInput.getText();
y = Double.parseDouble(yStr);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
answer.setText("Illegal data for y.");
/* Perform the operation based on the action command
from the button. Note that division by zero produces
an error message. */
String op = evt.getActionCommand();
if (op.equals("+"))
answer.setText( "x + y = " + (x+y) );
else if (op.equals("-"))
answer.setText( "x - y = " + (x-y) );
else if (op.equals("*"))
answer.setText( "x * y = " + (x*y) );
else if (op.equals("/")) {
if (y == 0)
answer.setText("Can't divide by zero!");
answer.setText( "x / y = " + (x/y) );
} // end actionPerformed()
} // end nested class CalcPanel
} // end class SimpleCalculator
HTML code to load Applet.
Make Sure that JAVA configured Properly.
<applet code=SimpleCalc.class width=300 height=200>